Black Arts Admin B*tch Podcast
Join Quanice and her guests as they highlight artists and arts leaders of color in the performing and visual arts world, and interrogate systemic and institutional issues of equity in the arts from a decolonizing framework. We don't have time for any more games.
Black Arts Admin B*tch Podcast
Real Azz Convos featuring David Holland
Season 3
Episode 4
Hi, BAABIES!! Quanice sits down with David Holland for some real azz convos. They discuss the arts and culture sector ignoring the Israel-Palestine Conflict, white men white menning, REST, and SOOO MUCH MORE... all while drinking grey goose and pineapple juice!
- Backlash, white privilege and anger: Resistance to the equality, diversity and inclusion agenda in the British television industry - https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/13675494241261812
- Noguchi Museum Terminates Three Workers for Wearing Keffiyehs - https://hyperallergic.com/946061/noguchi-museum-terminates-three-workers-for-wearing-keffiyehs/
- Black Liturgies Book - https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/721989/black-liturgies-by-cole-arthur-riley/
- Pause, Rest, Be Book - https://www.pauserestbe.com/
#baabculture #blackartsadminbitch #baabies #antiracism #racialequityinthearts #artsadministration #artsmanagement #raggedvsreal
The views expressed do not represent the positions or opinions of any organizations that are affiliated with individuals on the podcast.